inTouch Women’s Legal Centre

inTouch has its own women’s legal centre, and provides existing clients with legal and migration assistance.

inTouch Women’s Legal Centre

The inTouch Women’s Legal Centre was established in 2012, in recognition of the multiple barriers that many migrant and refugee women experience when trying to access the justice system. We provide legal advice and assistance to clients who are already receiving support through inTouch’s case managers and are the first multidisciplinary practice in Australia to provide this type of inclusive service response.

This end-to-end support model also allows inTouch to provide a comprehensive continuum of service – the client’s file and personal circumstances (including instances of violence) are managed privately and concurrently by practitioners, avoiding recurrences of trauma.

Secondary Consultations

For a secondary consultation in relation to legal issues, please click here.  For a secondary consultation in relation to migration issues, please click here.

Our services include: 

  • Protection from family violence – intervention orders  
  • Family law – dispute resolution including parenting matters
  • Small property settlements and financial matters  
  • Immigration and Visa assistance  
  • Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal (VOCAT) applications
  • Divorce Clinics

Multicultural women using post-it's in a meeting

inTouch’s legal team also supports staff and women accessing hospital services through our Health Justice Partnerships (HJP) with Monash and Your Community Health. This method of embedding legal expertise within a healthcare setting allows professionals to engage with people who might not know they need or qualify for legal assistance. inTouch’s HJP provides a direct referral pathway for free legal advice for migrant and refugee women experiencing family violence, in addition to secondary consultations for staff. 

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