

Culturally Responsive Practice: Responding to Family Violence in Migrant and Refugee Communities

This training has been designed for family violence workers in rural and regional areas to better support migrant and refugee women and their children who have or are experiencing family violence.

7 hrs

Culturally Responsive Practice: Responding to Family Violence in Migrant and Refugee Communities

This training has been designed for family violence workers in rural and regional areas to better support migrant and refugee women and their children who have or are experiencing family violence.

7 hrs

Culturally Responsive Practice: Responding to Family Violence in Migrant and Refugee Communities (Regional Victoria Online)

This free public training has been designed for family violence workers in the Rural City of Wangaratta and surrounding municipalities to better support migrant and refugee women and their children who have or are experiencing family violence.

Culturally Responsive Practice: Responding to Family Violence in Migrant and Refugee Communities (Rural City of Wangaratta)

This free public training has been designed for family violence workers in the Rural City of Wangaratta and surrounding municipalities to better support migrant and refugee women and their children who have or are experiencing family violence.

Culturally Responsive Practice: Understanding Family Violence in Migrant and Refugee Communities

This training offers professionals who are not family violence specialists with foundational understanding of cultural humility, intersectionality and unconscious bias when supporting refugee and migrant clients experiencing family violence.



Explore post-separation parenting laws. Learn dispute resolution methods: mediation, courts. Understand child's best interests & parenting allocation criteria.


Test: Culturally Responsive Practice

This training has been designed to assist Victorian refuge staff to better support migrant and refugee women, particularly women on temporary visas. It explores the principles of culturally responsive practice, cultural humility, unconscious bias, and intersectionality and how to apply these to practice.

3 hours

Test1: Culturally Responsive Practice

This training offers a foundational understanding of how to apply culturally responsive practice when engaging with clients/families from migrant and refugee backgrounds experiencing family violence. We will cover cultural humility, intersectionality, and unconscious bias and how to apply these in practice. Participants will develop a deeper understanding of the contributing factors that may impact a woman’s capacity to seek and sustain family violence service support.

3 hours

Understanding Family Violence in Migrant and Refugee Communities

This free public face to face training offers professionals who are not family violence specialists with foundational understanding of cultural humility, intersectionality and unconscious bias when supporting refugee and migrant clients experiencing family violence. There is a cap of 3 professionals per organisation.

Understanding Family Violence in Migrant and Refugee Communities (for Rural and Regional Victorian professionals only)

This free public online training offers professionals who are not family violence specialists with foundational understanding of cultural humility, intersectionality and unconscious bias when supporting refugee and migrant clients experiencing family violence. This training is only for rural and regional professionals across Victoria. There is a cap of 3 professionals per organisation.

Welcome to inTouch Bimonthly Information Session

Our Information Session will be co-facilitated by the Training team and Ana, Specialist Family Violence Practitioner Intake Team. This session will discuss inTouch’s specialist family violence case management program - eligibility requirements, referral pathways and expected outcomes for clients.

Welcome to inTouch Information Session - 13 December 2023

Our 13 December 2023 Information Session will be co-facilitated by Lyanne Tam, Training and Impact Practitioner, Sector and Community Unit, and Amali Boralugoda, Intake Worker. This session will discuss inTouch’s specialist family violence case management program- eligibility requirements, referral pathways and expected outcomes for clients. In addition, this session will also feature, Yashila De Silva, a community lawyer from inTouch's Legal Branch, speaking on the work in this space.

1 hr

Welcome to inTouch Information Session – 24 April 2024

Our bimonthly information sessions provide an opportunity for specialist family violence, community sector and multicultural agency staff to learn about the services that inTouch provides, eligibility criteria and referral pathways. At each session, we will explore a different program and project being undertaken within inTouch, followed by a Q&A session.


Welcome to inTouch Information Session – 26 June 2024

Our Information Session will be co-facilitated by Hannan Amin, Training and Impact Practitioner, Sector and Community Unit, and Amali Boralugoda, Intake Worker. This session will discuss inTouch’s specialist family violence case management program - eligibility requirements, referral pathways and expected outcomes for clients. It will also feature, Belinda Li-Veldhuizen, Senior Lawyer speaking about inTouch’s Women’s Legal Service. Yasmin Ildes, Lawyer, will present a new coercive control resource.

Welcome to inTouch Information Session – 28 February 2024

Our Information Session will be co-facilitated by Hannan Amin, Training and Impact Practitioner, Sector and Community Unit, and Amali Boralugoda, Intake Worker. This session will discuss inTouch’s specialist family violence case management program - eligibility requirements, referral pathways and expected outcomes for clients. It will also feature, Manjula Karunathilaka, Coordinator Motivation for Change speaking about inTouch’s early intervention voluntary program for men who use violence.

1 hr

Welcome to inTouch Information Session – 28 February 2024

Our Information Session will be co-facilitated by Hannan Amin, Training and Impact Practitioner, Sector and Community Unit, and Amali Boralugoda, Intake Worker. This session will discuss inTouch’s specialist family violence case management program- eligibility requirements, referral pathways and expected outcomes for clients. It will also feature, Manjula Karunathilaka , Coordinator Motivation for Change speaking about inTouch’s early intervention voluntary program for men who use violence.

1 hr

Welcome to inTouch: Information Session - 21 December 2022

Our monthly information sessions provide an opportunity for specialist family violence, community sector and multicultural agency staff to learn about the services that inTouch provides, eligibility criteria and referral pathways.

1 hour

Training Offerings

Bimonthly Welcome to inTouch Information Sessions

Our bimonthly information sessions provide an opportunity for specialist family violence, community sector, and multicultural agency staff to learn about the services that inTouch provides, eligibility criteria and referral pathways.

Culturally Responsive Practice: Understanding Family Violence in Migrant and Refugee Communities

This training offers professionals who are not family violence specialists with foundational understanding of cultural humility, intersectionality and unconscious bias when supporting refugee and migrant clients experiencing family violence.

1 2

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