Our case managers speak more than 20 languages and understand the potential impacts of culture and the migration journey on women experiencing family violence, and the barriers women face when trying to seek help. Our team’s specialised understanding of issues relating to the intersections of family violence, culture, temporary migration, family law and the legal system enables inTouch to deliver a holistic service with our ground-breaking inLanguage, inCulture delivery model at the core of our work.
In addition, inTouch’s programs and services are guided by the expertise of former clients. NOOR Family Violence Survivor-Advocates work with our team to ensure that our services are fit-for-purpose and actively incorporate the needs and perspectives of the women we work with.
NOOR Family Violence Survivor-Advocates
We understand that addressing family violence can be a nuanced and complex process that can often re-traumatise victim survivors, which is why we offer a continuum of service- from early prevention, to response and recovery.