About Us

As a Specialist Family Violence Provider, we support migrant and refugee women and their communities to move on from experiences of family violence and thrive.

Our Mission and Purpose

We use our unique understanding of culture, family violence, family law and immigration to support our clients and the service system. We continuously recognise and integrate the expertise of people with lived experience of family violence to guide inTouch in its work. 

We are a strong, trusted and inclusive voice, driving structural and systematic change to address the problem of family violence in our communities. 

We are a highly culturally diverse workforce that leverages cultural understanding and experience to tailor our offerings to meet the unique needs of our clients. inTouch is committed to providing compassionate and culturally appropriate support. View our 2022-2025 Strategic Plan here.

Our Services

Case Management

Case management encompasses a first-hand understanding of the migration journey and unique cultural barriers women may face when seeking assistance.

Learning and Development

Learning and Development programs for family violence providers and multicultural organisations to build their knowledge and skills when supporting women from refugee and migrant communities.

Post-Recovery Initiatives

for victim-survivors, focusing on economic independence, social and family connection and emotional wellbeing

Prevention Projects and Resource Development

For migrant and refugee communities.

Perpetrator Intervention

Programs focusing on trauma and culturally-informed perpetrator intervention.

A Survivor-Advocate Advisory Group

Provides guidance to inTouch as well as government, sector and peak bodies.

Women’s Legal Centre

The inTouch Women’s Legal Centre works at the intersection of migration and family law.

Policy, Research and Communications

A dedicated policy, research and communications unit informed by inTouch’s unique service expertise and the experiences of victim-survivors

inTouch is a critical part of the family violence response system and an organisation that is growing in size, scope and capacity. We are a unique and vital service, with specialist expertise working with people of migrant and refugee backgrounds. This is reflected in our workforce, which is comprised primarily of people who are migrants and refugees themselves – the inTouch team is from over 20 different countries and communities globally.

Notice of Change of Auditor 18 July 2024

The Board of inTouch wishes to announce that the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) has consented to the resignation of inTouch’s auditors, BDO Pty Ltd, effective from the date of this notice. In accordance with ASIC Regulatory Guide 26, paragraphs 26.59-26.61, inTouch provides the following information:

The outgoing auditor is:

BDO Audit Pty Ltd

Collins Square, Tower Four

Level 18, 727 Collins Street

Melbourne VIC 3008

The incoming auditor is:

Saward Dawson

20 Albert Street

Blackburn VIC 3130

This change follows a competitive tender process in which Saward Dawson have been appointed as auditors of inTouch with effect from the date of this notice.

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